Monday, May 18, 2015

Lily Time...........

.........I have been enjoying the lily season this spring!  About three weeks ago I saw the swelling of "a" low bud on one of my four Crinum lilies. That is a happy sight!  The next day there was the same on a second plant. It takes some patience because it was about a week later before I found this on a very tall stem......

At this stage it looked like the color might be much darker than last year's and they did open to be darker at first and then lightened up to the beautiful peachy pink color.

They open one blossom each day.

In fact, it took more than a week for the seven blossoms to be fully opened.  And, the second plant was even slower.

Here are five of the seven on the first stem.  They look smaller here than they are when they reach their full bloom.


It's one of my favorite plants. Too bad they don't last a little longer.  And, too bad those other two lazy plants have not bloomed at all.

I have shown gloriosa lilies several times on posts but, the plants have multiplied and I have more blooms than ever before - in two locations.  They are vining plants and need something to hang on to. Here they are using a potted Little John Azalea.

Looking from the opposite direction. 

I love their exotic, old-fashioned look.  And, also the contrast of the dark azalea and the lilies. I'm not sure Little John likes them clinging so much to him! They really wrap their twining tendrils tightly, all over the place. I am surprised none are showing in these pictures. 

Oh, here you can see a wrapped tendril in the left top corner.

At the other location they are twinned around a trellis and also the blue Plumbago.

The big clump of peace lilies has been fuller and showy this spring. This is about
half of them.  You can also see a newer grouping to the back with native petunias between.

These are one of the few things that got some cold damage this winter but, you cannot tell it now.  I cut out some of the leaves and they grew a lot more new ones.
I have a few daylilies blooming, too.  I am not a big fan of orange but this one is pretty this time with a full-petal look. There should be several blossoms of this as the week goes on.
Early in the year I had this dark orange and yellow one.
All the daylilies have been in the ground for years.  I am not very good with them and they struggle but they have stayed alive.

I like the look of these from the back, too.
I have had many blooms from the Walking Lilies like the one in my banner at the top of the blog.
After I posted this I remembered the "walking lily" I mentioned is not a lily but an iris!
Next up will be an assortment of blooming plants and I will probably make it a "Wordless Wednesday". See you then!!



  1. Looking good. Do you know of the pink & white Crinum? I have one that brother gave me.

  2. Thanks Lola. This one Crinum is the only one I have had any experience with. A pink and white sounds pretty, though.

  3. So pretty! The gloriosa lily is just too pretty for words! We have about 70 daylilies! All different colors/shapes. I love a lot of color in my gardens. It looks like you have a beautiful garden!


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